Military Printables

Military Discounts

The Best Military Discounts On Weddings You Should Know About

Many wedding related businesses provide military discounts to military members as a way of showing their gratitude for their services. The wedding discounts are offered to active duty members and in some cases veterans as well. There are some great ways to save on your military wedding by having it on base, or wearing your […] Read more…

The Best Military Discounts On Hotels You Should Know About

Military families travel consistently. Whether’s it for work, a PCS move, or just for fun, we tend to move more than your average person. Wherever we go, we’ll need appropriate lodging at an affordable price. Luckily, the armed forces and their families have some options for hotels and accommodations that will also save some money. […] Read more…

The Best Military Discounts On Restaurants You Should Know About

Military discounts on restaurants typically only on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. There are some national chain restaurants that offer them year round. Going out to eat with your spouse or kids can be a great time to bond with them. On the weekends when you are looking for a fun activity to do as […] Read more…

The Best Military Discounts On Car Purchases You Need to Know About

The Best Military Discounts On Car Purchases You Need to Know About

Military families buy cars pretty regularly. With multiple PCS moves, a lot of mileage is placed on automobiles. Another common situation that you arrive at a new duty station, and it might make more sense for your family to purchase a new car rather than ship or drive your current one. Are you thinking about […] Read more…

The Best Military Discounts For Car Rentals You Should Know About

Military personnel often have to rent car for work or business travel. Most care rentals companies offer a government leisure travel rate which helps to save some money. Remember, for official travel, military orders are usually required. I know when our military family has to visit home, we always have to book a rental car, […] Read more…