Military Printables

The Top Things To Do In Fort Polk, Louisiana

The Best Things To Do In Fort Polk Louisiana

Fort Polk is a United States Army installation located in Louisiana. Consider exploring the vast amount of lakes and terrains that surround Fort Polk in case you plan to visit or are getting stationed here. As far as the weather goes, Fort Polk experiences hot and humid summers, whereas the winter season is quite mild […] Read more…

10 Tips On How To Handle Arguments In A Long Distance Relationship

10 Tips On How To Handle Arguments In A Long Distance Relationship

A long distance relationship is as real as any other relationship. Therefore there are bound to be some fights or arguments in it. A fight does not mean the end of a relationship but partners need to know how to solve it as fast as they can so that they do not drag down the […] Read more…

30 Sweet Text Messages To Send Your Long Distance Love

30 Sweet Text Messages To Send Your Long Distance Love

Texting is a major part of most long distance relationship. Keep your long distance love going strong with these text message ideas. A long distance relationship needs communication for it to work well and be a success. In order to spice up things in the relationship, the people involved need to come up with more […] Read more…

15 Creative Activities For Long Distance Relationship Couples To Stay Connected

15 Creative Activities For Long Distance Relationship Couples To Stay Connected

Long distance relationships can be challenging to stay connected. Things can start getting dull sometimes in long distance love and you need to put in some effort to keep it interesting for you and your partner. A long distance relationship isn’t everyone’s first choice, but sometimes responsibilities and opportunities have to take priority. In that […] Read more…

The Best Things To Do When Stationed At Yongsan Garrison in Seoul, South Korea

The Best Things To Do When Stationed At Yongsan Garrison in Seoul, South Korea

If you’re in the military (Army to be specific), there may be a chance that you get stationed on South Korea. If you’re lucky enough to be stationed at Yongsan Garrison, there you’re right in the middle of Seoul, South Korea. Seoul is a capital city in South Korea that is popular for having great […] Read more…